Sol·licitud per a traductor/posteditor autònom
DEMA Solutions treballa amb traductors/posteditors professionals especialitzats en diferents combinacions lingüístiques i experts en eines TAO.
Estem desitjant poder explorar noves oportunitats de col·laboració.
Què diuen els nostres traductors sobre nosaltres
"Professional, prompt, competent, fair, KIND people working together to do the best job possible. What more do you want from a company?"
AikoTraductor freelance
"I’ve been working with DEMA Solutions for almost 2 years. I am totally satisfied with my collaboration with them. The project managers are always willing to help and to find solutions for any issues that may arise during work. They give proper instructions for each job and are available to help at any time of day. I hope to further strengthen our collaboration in the future."
Ana R.Traductor freelance
"Such a pleasure to work with this company. All the PMs are very helpful, cooperative with super fast response to all queries. The projects are very exciting, always clear and well prepared. Payment as agreed, even before schedule. Fantastic experience. Living a dream of every translator!"
Vladimir T.Traductor freelance
"What I appreciate with DEMA is that the working relationship seems to be one of mutual trust."
Eric D.Traductor freelance
"Overall, it's a great work environment. The project managers are cooperative and supportive all the time. They are very responsive to our queries. It has been a pleasure working with you and I’m very happy with the collaboration."
Mahmoud D.Traductor freelance
Coneguem-nos millor!
A les nostres xarxes socials compartim contingut que mostra com la traducció, la tecnologia de darrera generació i les nostres solucions lingüístiques poden impulsar el creixement de la teva empresa.